Tap dance class on the 1st floor of a campus building. I know, it looks like the 2nd floor, but here the 1st floor is called the Ground Floor and the 2nd floor is called the 1st floor. Wacky Brits.
Computers for students in the Lecture Centre. Notice the type on the glass says "Made in Brunel." Does that mean the glass? The building? The students? The computers? What exactly is made in Brunel. That is the question.
The center of campus: The Hub (a pub), Student Centre, Library, Coffee Shop, Lecture Centre, convenience stores, bank, ATMs, and Computer Centre.
British coins. Center coin: 2 pounds (worth about $1.26 the last time I converted American dollars a couple of days ago).
Waiting for Robin. She had a special invitation (for PhD students) to a movie on campus, a comedy called The PhD Movie. I waited in this lobby area and sketched while she was in the movie. From her review, it sounds like it would have been funnier to watch me draw for 90 minutes. But she did get free popcorn.