To prepare my laptop and camera gear for the Shakespeare Cruise, I spent hours importing and deleting footage from the camera, a Canon HG10. I've been procrastinating this task for months, not wanting to decide what to keep and what to toss. Since the HG10 records to an internal hard disc, you don't have easy, automatic archival of footage that MiniDV tapes provide. Whine, whine, grump, grump.
To get to the point, I'm throwing together some photos and video from trips and events earlier this year into a few movies. The link below is a slide show of our trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, at the end of May. After a photo-safari week in Granada, Nicaragua with pal JohnG to visit his sweetheart Marcia (we stayed at her house in Granada), the three of us flew to Leon, then hired a driver to take us to San Miguel, a two-hour drive, where Robin and friends Elizabeth and Boris were waiting for us to arrive (having arrived there a couple of days earlier).
Several years ago, Robin spent a week there with Elizabeth (a regular haunt of hers). It was my first visit, and it was everything I'd imagined a quaint, Mexican, mountain village from a hundred years ago would be like (including a Starbucks located on the corner of the Plaza, with free Wi-Fi access. Yes!)
San Miguel de Allende