Friday, October 2, 2009

A great time in Oxford

Oxford is really interesting. A very cool place. We got there around noon, after a very short tube ride and a very pleasant bus ride. I'll blog some photos and details later, but before I go pack my bags, I just want to say what a great visit we had with Robin's former Oxford tutor, Lynn, and her family, husband Neil and son James. We met Lynn around 5pm near Regent's Park, the college where she teaches. After showing us around, we took a bus to the Park & Ride, then she drove us to her village, Long Hanborough, for dinner at her house, which Neil had prepared (minced meat and potatoes, his specialty). Delicious. Loved it. Better than any meal so far. In addition to the great meal, we had a great visit, and reluctantly said goodbye. Neil was supposed to drop us off at the bus stop so we could catch the bus back to Hillingdon, then catch the tube to Uxbridge, then walk from Uxbridge to Brunel. Once in the car he informed us he was driving us all the back to Brunel, with some lame excuse that he wanted to show us where he works, close to Uxbridge.

You're a prince, Neil. We owe you one - or several. I hope we get to even up with you. Thanks for a memorable evening - and everything else.

Lynn. A friend and sweetheart.

Henry (another sweetheart) and Neil.

James. A super nice, cool guy, and fun to talk to.

Henry, a Mastif-Golden mix, loves his family.